Benjamin Donnell

Benjamin Donnell



  • Criminal law
  • Civil law
  • Family Law
  • Regulatory Law


  • BPTC BPP Law School, Manchester
  • LLB (Hons), Newcastle University


  • CPS RASSO Panel member
  • CPS Grade 3 Prosecutor
  • County Court Advocate – LPC Law
  • Master of Moots – BPC Law School and The Eldon Society



  • Middle Temple
  • North Eastern Circuit


Benjamin enjoys a varied practice in Criminal, Civil and Family law. Since completing his pupillage in 2020, Benjamin has quickly become a highly capable and effective advocate which is evidenced by his rapid rise to become a Grade 3 Prosecutor. His approachable style with clients and ability to quickly grasp the issues in his cases has resulted in Benjamin developing a strong practice in cases of complexity in all practice areas.

Criminal Law

Benjamin both prosecutes and defends in a wide range of offences of violence, sexual offences, firearms and drug offences within the Crown Court from PTPH through to trial and sentence.

Example Criminal Cases

R v S 2023

Defending a Lithuanian national in the Crown Court who was charged with possession with intent to supply cannabis, production of cannabis, possession of criminal property and possession of a prohibited firearm. The Crown assessed the defendant to have played a leading role within a wider international criminal enterprise. After a two week trial, Benjamin secured not guilty verdicts on all counts for his client.

R v B 2022

Prosecuting B at trial. She was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm on a 10 year old boy. A complicating factor of this trial was that B had learning difficulties and required an intermediary. Benjamin utilised the ‘Planning to Question Someone with a Learning Disability’ toolkit when cross-examining B to ensure it was robust but appropriate. Benjamin called the young Complainant and his 10 year old friend to give evidence via video-link and reminded himself of the appropriate toolkit to ensure he elicited the best evidence from these child witnesses in an age appropriate manner. After a 5 day trial B was convicted and sentenced.

R v U 2022

Prosecuting U in the Crown Court for domestic burglary. On Benjamin’s advice, the Crown amended the indictment so that the charge was robbery; an offence that was easier for the Crown to prove but carried a higher starting point for sentence than burglary. After a 4 day trial, Benjamin successfully obtained a guilty verdict and U was sentenced accordingly.

R v J 2022

Defending in a trial in the Crown Court involving allegations of animal cruelty, stalking and harassment. The Crown relied upon forensic evidence linking the defendant to the killing of the Complainant’s cat. Benjamin successfully secured acquittals on all counts for his client.

R v E 2022

Defending a Lithuanian national in a multi handed multi million pound conspiracy to steal high worth vehicles, break them down and sell the component parts on. The evidence was of such complexity that the Prosecution team comprised of both leading and junior counsel. After a trial in the Crown Court spanning three weeks, Benjamin successfully secured not guilty verdicts on all counts for his client.

R v H

Defending a young female in the Crown Court, charged with Section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm. After cross-examining the prosecution witnesses, Benjamin successfully made a submission of no case to answer resulting in a formal not guilty verdict being entered in relation to his client.

Civil Law

Benjamin represents both Claimants and Defendants in a wide range of matters from road traffic accidents to housing, personal injury, civil torts and breach of contract. Prior to commencing pupillage Benjamin spent two years as a County Court Advocate with LPC Law attending hearings across the North relating to housing matters. Benjamin accepts instructions to provide written advice to clients and can quickly analyse a case, provide advice as to prospects of success and settlement as well as draft pleadings.

Benjamin has also represented clients in committal proceedings where his extensive knowledge of both criminal and civil law proves particularly beneficial.

Example Civil Cases

T v V 2023

Defending T in an ongoing contractual dispute in relation to a horse. Benjamin has thus far advised as to appropriate settlement terms and represented T at a hearing that should have been the trial but turned into an interim hearing at the request of the Claimant. Benjamin successfully restricted the ambit of further expert evidence to ensure that T’s case remains as strong as possible.

G v S 2021

Defending S in committal proceedings at Leeds County Court. S was alleged to be in contempt of court for breaching an undertaking not to harass G. Benjamin successfully cross-examined G and obtained judgment in favour of his client.

G v F 2020

Defending F in a multi-track trial at York County Court in which the Claimant was claiming damages for alleged harassment by F. Benjamin successfully challenged the Claimant’s evidence and the allegations were found to not be proven.

Family Law

Benjamin represents parents, Local Authorities and Children’s Guardian’s in a broad range of Public Law Children work. Benjamin utilises a dynamic style in relation to his clients and his approachability has meant that he has represented many vulnerable parents and set their minds at ease throughout court proceedings. Benjamin has experience in cases involving serious allegations of child abuse, including non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse, domestic abuse and neglect.

Benjamin recently represented a father alleged to have caused a serious non-accidental fracture injury to his 2 year old son. This entailed challenging the evidence of multiple medical experts, social workers and the Children’s Guardian. After an 11 day final hearing, Benjamin successfully persuaded the Court that the case against his client was not proven and findings were not made in relation to this allegation.

Benjamin has also represented clients in financial remedy proceedings where his ability to cut through the issues in a case and get to grips with the detail has resulted in Benjamin achieving fair settlements for his clients both in and out of court.

Other Interests

During his leisure time, Benjamin is a keen horse rider and intends to participate in equestrian events in the future. He is also extremely sociable and attends social events with friends as well as events organised by the North-Eastern Circuit.