Naomi Madderson

Naomi M Madderson

Head of Chambers & Barrister
Naomi Madderson
Naomi M Madderson

Head of Chambers & Barrister


Family Law:
Children – Public
Children – Private
Court of Protection
Financial Remedy (Civil Partnership, Marriage & Cohabitation)
Mediation (Family, Financial Remedy, Marriage & Cohabitation)


Law, University of Liverpool (Distinction)
BPTC at BPP, 2003 (Outstanding)
FLBA National Committee Member 2020
FLBA National Committee Member, 2012-2014
Elected Member of The Bar Council, 2012-2014


Member of President of the Family Division Working Group on Experts 2019-2020
Member of Education & Training Sub-Committee, The Bar Council, 2012-2018
Member of the ADR Sub-Committee, The Bar Council 2012-2018
Member of the Social Mobility Sub-Committee, The Bar Council 2012-2018
Registered Pupil Supervisor, 2015
Shakespeare Memorial Scholarship, 2002
Contributor to the Family Law Journal 2020


North Eastern Circuit
Gray’s Inn
Bar Pro Bono Unit – active member

"A very skillful advocate who has the ability to elicit responses to undermine opponent's cases whilst presenting the case of their client. Very knowledgeable on legal argument. A favourite Barrister and highly regarded on the Circuit."

Legal 500 - 2021

‘Naomi has a fantastic strategic mind. She has immense energy and resilience, an exceptional eye for detail, and her advocacy is excellent. A silk in the making.’

Legal 500 - 2022


Called to the Bar in 2003, Naomi specialises in a whole range of children related disputes with an emphasis on complex public law cases concerning non-accidental injury to children and sexual abuse. Her public law work extends to the most complex types of physical, sexual and neglect cases alongside complicated medical cases involving a number of medical experts. She appears in all tiers of the court and is dedicated to providing a professional and friendly outlook, putting her clients at ease.

Persuasive and hard-working, Naomi represents parents and children in private law matters, including internal relocation and removal from the jurisdiction and intractable contact and residence disputes. She represents clients requesting financial remedy, recognising the advantage to the client of being able to provide advice in relation of both financial and private law.

Naomi has a particular interest in Judicial Review claims. She offers mediation to public bodies and individuals as a means of reaching settlement where possible, as an alternative yet conciliatory approach.

As part of her Court of Protection practice, Naomi further deals with vulnerable adults who lack capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, care, contact and residence issues, appointment of deputies and disputes over registration of powers of attorney, deprivation of liberty, forced marriage and medical treatment decisions.

Legal 500 - 'She is carving out a high quality childcare practice, and is destined to go far'

Chambers & Partners - A family law specialist who receives instructions on a number of complex care proceedings, including allegations of sexual abuse and contested placement orders. 

“Naomi Madderson has on numerous occasions provided my clients with a service that is second to none.  She is always very well prepared for hearings and always provides feedback from the hearing at the first available opportunity.”

Legal 500 - ‘She is user-friendly and down to earth.’

Legal 500 - Top-grade junior.

Andrew Comaish

Andrew Comaish

Andrew Comaish
Andrew Comaish



Family Law:
Children – Public
Children – Private
Court of Protection
Financial Remedy (Civil Partnership, Marriage & Cohabitation)


Robinson College, Cambridge – 1988
BSc Hons Psychology, Open University


North Eastern Circuit
Middle Temple – Call 1989


Andrew is a highly recommended family law specialist. He appears at all levels of the Family Courts and is known for his methodical and insightful approach to case preparation and client care.

Andrew has extensive experience of applications for Financial Remedy, including urgent applications for Freezing Injunctions. He is regularly instructed for individuals of high net worth, farmers, complex business and pension arrangements, the armed forces and those with substantial assets in diverse foreign jurisdictions. Andrew appears in proceedings involving trusts and trusts of land and financial disputes between married and cohabiting individuals.

Andrew has developed an extensive Public Law practise. He accepts instructions for Local Authorities, parents, other family members and the Children’s Guardian. Andrew has experience of cases involving the most serious allegations of child abuse, including non-accidental injuries, child fatality, head injury, poisoning, sexual abuse, FII and neglect. He has acted for the most vulnerable of clients, including those with mental health difficulties and children themselves accused of perpetrating abuse. Andrew also accepts instructions relating to the discharge of Care Orders, SGOs and adoption.

Andrew regularly appears in Private Law proceedings for parents or on behalf of the Children’s Guardian. These include residence and contact disputes and Fact Finding hearings relating to the most serious of allegations. Andrew also conducts cases involving removal from the jurisdiction whether by application or for return pursuant to the Hague Convention.

John Dunning

John Dunning

John Dunning
John Dunning



Criminal Law


St Andrews University


Call 1973
East Riding Education Appeal Panel
Chair of the Appeal of the University of York
North East Circuit


John Dunning initially practised from chambers in the Inner Temple, London EC4. He has worked virtually all the Crown Courts in London and the South East circuit.

After moving north, he quickly re-established himself as an experienced criminal advocate, initially in Leeds, and more latterly in Hull.

He specialises in serious criminal work; homicide, serious violence, sexual offences, fraud and other dishonesty, drugs offences and trading standards and regulatory matters.

John has also a developed interest in education law and is a member of both the Hull and East Riding Independent Appeal panels.

Anna Der Tavitian

Anna Der Tavitian

Anna Der Tavitian
Anna Der Tavitian



  • Family Law
  • Financial remedies on divorce
  • Disputes when co-habiting couples separate
  • Private law issues in children’s cases


  • Called to Bar in 1995
  • Inns of Court School of Law
  • Chester Law School
  • University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (BA Hons English)


  • FLBA
  • Independent International Working Group on Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh)
  • Amnesty International
  • Gray's Inn

ABOUT ANNA Anna Der Tavitian has practised in chambers in London and Leeds, appearing regularly in both the County Court and High Court in all matters relating to private law children cases, (including adoption, change of name and applications by grandparents) and in financial disputes between married and co-habiting couples. After some time away to set up her own business and to teach at university level, Anna has returned to the Bar and accepts instructions on all private law children cases and financial disputes, with a particular interest in property arrangements when co-habiting couples separate.

Sarah Fearon

Sarah Fearon

Sarah Fearon
Sarah Fearon



Family Law:
Children – Public
Children – Private
Court of Protection
Financial Remedy


Law with German, University of Sheffield
Bar Vocational Course, Nottingham Law School (Very Competent)


North Eastern Circuit – Executive Committee
Middle Temple

Positions held

Wellbeing Junior - North Eastern Circuit
Advocacy Trainer - North Eastern Circuit
Wellbeing Representative - Hull & Grimsby DFJ’s Working Group

"Sarah has an excellent working knowledge of all areas of child protection law and procedure. She has a good eye for detail and her analysis is first class. She works particularly well in pressured situations such as contested removal cases on which she has been instructed at short notice. She has excellent interpersonal skills and a calming presence both inside and outside the courtroom."

Legal 500 - 2021

‘Sarah’s advice is balanced and clear. She builds good rapport with clients, and her analytical skills and attention to detail are second to none.

Legal 500 - 2022


Sarah Fearon was called to the Bar in 2000. Sarah is a specialist family practitioner who is routinely instructed by Local Authorities across Yorkshire and the Humber as well as in Lincolnshire. She also regularly represents parents, grandparents, intervenors and children in some of the most complex family public and private law cases heard in the Hull and Grimsby Family Courts as well as further afield. Sarah appears at all tiers of the Family Courts.

Sarah represents the interests of Local Authorities, parents, grandparents, intervenors and children at all stages of proceedings. She conducts lengthy and complex cases, often led by Queen’s Counsel as well as acting as Leading Junior. Sarah has a particular interest in matters involving non-accidental injury and sexual abuse.

Sarah is regularly instructed in Private Family proceedings involving residence and contact disputes. She undertakes Domestic Abuse and injunctive relief from the initial ex-parte application through to committal proceedings. Sarah is regularly instructed in matters with an international element, including removal from jurisdiction, conflict of jurisdiction and Article 15 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 (Brussels IIA).

Sarah accepts instructions in matters of Financial Remedy and has a keen interest in proceedings heard in the Court of Protection. Sarah regularly provides training seminars and workshops for Local Authorities, solicitors and members of Chambers in relation to Family Law and Court of Protection.

David Godfrey

David Godfrey

David Godfrey
David Godfrey



Military Law
Misconduct Hearings


History, University of Leicester, 2000
PgDL, College of Law, York, 2002
LPC, College of Law, York, 2004
RAF Cranwell – Officer Training, 2006


Admitted to the Roll of Solicitors, 2006
Inner Temple, Call 2013
North East Circuit


In a varied career David has both defended and prosecuted a huge number of different crimes. Qualifying as a Solicitor in 2004 he joined the Royal Air Force Legal Service and gained vast experience representing the legal interests of soldiers and their families all over the world. During this period, he became the first service lawyer to enter the Sangin Valley, Afghanistan, during a protracted gross negligence manslaughter investigation.

David left the RAF in 2013 and transferred to the Bar joining 37 Park Square Chambers. He has developed a busy criminal practice in Hull and Grimsby Crown Court - work encompassing offences such as murder, rape, aggravated burglary, assault of all kinds, death by careless and dangerous driving, drug offences (including supply and vast cultivation), harassment, intimidation, large scale dishonesty, perverting the course of justice and wilful neglect.

David regularly defends in all kinds of sexual cases (including rape, indecent assault, assault by penetration, sexual activity with a child, possession and distribution of child pornography) including allegations going back many decades.

David has significant experience of representing the interests of Police Officers at Misconduct Hearings.

Gaynor Hall

Gaynor Hall

Gaynor Hall
Gaynor Hall



Family Law:
Children – Public
Children – Private
Court of Protection


Law, University of Hull, 1992
Solicitor’s Final Examinations, College of Law, York, 1993
Admitted to the Roll of Solicitors, 1995
Qualified Solicitor-Advocate Higher Rights (Civil)


North Eastern Circuit
Inner Temple
Family Law Bar Association

Legal 500 2022:

Instructing Gaynor is a joy – she is the perfect combination of tenacity and grit with a down to earth, no nonsense approach. She is an engaging and clever advocate.’

Legal 500 2021:

Ms Hall is a hard-working and thorough advocate. She fights hard on behalf of her clients whilst maintaining a professional and empathetic approach. She is extremely well respected by her peers in the legal community and is always approachable for advice'


Gaynor is a former solicitor-advocate with over 25 years of experience specialising in Family Law, particularly in public law children proceedings.  She qualified as a solicitor in 1995 and as member of the Law Society Children Panel in 2000 before being called to the Bar in 2013.

Gaynor represents local authorities, parents, interveners, family members and children of all ages. She has extensive experience in public law children proceedings including Secure Accommodation applications, Special Guardianship applications, Inherent Jurisdiction/Deprivation of Liberty applications and Children Act/Care/Placement and Adoption applications.

She is regularly instructed in the most complex and lengthy public law cases involving non-accidental injuries and sexual abuse. She has considerable experience of representing vulnerable adults and children including representing parties through the Official Solicitor. Gaynor appears in all tiers of the Court and frequently acts as Leading Junior in lengthy cases.

Patrick Taylor

Patrick Taylor

Barrister & Commercial Mediator
Patrick Taylor
Patrick Taylor

Barrister & Commercial Mediator


  • Chancery and Commercial / Civil
  • Construction & Building Disputes
  • Commercial Mediation


  • Called to the Bar 2017
  • Solicitor 1996
  • Accredited and Registered Mediator


  • Barrister
  • Commercial Mediator
  • Solicitor


  • CEDR Trained Mediator
  • Civil Mediation Council Registered Mediator
  • Association of Midlands Mediators
  • Association of Northern Mediators
  • Member of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn
  • The European Air Law Association
  • Aviation Club UK


Patrick Taylor is a highly experienced civil and commercial litigator and mediator with advanced technical skills. Patrick, a CAA qualified Pilot specialises in construction, commercial litigation (including aviation) mediation.

Patrick was called to the Bar in 2017 following a career as a solicitor since 1996.

He has worked with small to medium sized businesses in the construction industry since 1990, bringing claims against construction professionals (architects and surveyors).

Patrick particularly enjoys any opportunity to use his interest and knowledge of aviation in connection with his practice as a barrister and mediator.

Patrick was accredited by CEDR in 2001 for his strong mediation skills and has been involved in several hundreds of mediations in his career.

Patrick is recognised by the Legal 500 [2020] as a Leading Mediator.

‘Patrick Taylor has gravitas; he is relaxed, focused, builds rapport, and gently guides parties to settlement‘.

Legal 500 - 2022

Joanna Hawkett

Joanna Hawkett

Joanna Hawkett
Joanna Hawkett



Family Law:
Children – Public
Children - Private


Law, University of Hull, 2004 (First Class)
LPC, University of Law, York, 2012 (Distinction)
BPTC, Northumbria University, 2015 (Outstanding)


Certificate of Honour, Northumbria University, 2015
JJ Powell Prize, Northumbria University, 2015


Middle Temple
North Eastern Circuit
Family Law Bar Association
Women in Family Law
CPS Grade 2 Prosecutor
Registered Pupil Supervisor 2022
Contributor to the Family Law Journal 2020-present
Bar Pro-Bono Unit – active member


Joanna is an experienced Family Law Practitioner recognised in the Legal 500 as a ‘Leading Junior: Child Law (Public and Private), 2022’.

Joanna is instructed in cases across a broad spectrum of family law and has a strong and busy practice in private and public law cases involving children. Joanna appears in the Family Proceedings Court, County Court, High Court, Court of Appeal and Court of Protection.

Joanna acts in matters under the Child Arrangements Programme, involving contact and residence disputes. She accepts instructions in matters of specific issues and prohibited steps, including disputes relating to internal relocation, medical intervention and education.

Joanna has significant experience with representing clients in Finding of Fact Hearings where there have been significant allegations, including sexual abuse, domestic abuse, neglect, alcohol and drug misuse and non-accidental injury.

Joanna accepts instructions from all parties involved in public law proceedings relating to children, including local authorities, parents, grandparents, intervenors, vulnerable adults through the Official Solicitor and children through their Children’s Guardians.

She has experience in matters of forced marriage, non-accidental injury, neglect, substance misuse, domestic and sexual abuse and mental health.

Joanna accepts instructions in relation to emergency hearings, contested interim removal hearings, Finding of Fact Hearings, contested final hearings and adoption including leave to oppose.

Joanna has significant experience conducting her own lengthy hearings, leading Junior Counsel and of being led by King’s Counsel on numerous occasions. Most notably, Joanna has been led by King’s Counsel in matters involving allegations of significant sexual abuse and of multiple and life-altering injuries to children.

Joanna regularly accepts instructions on short notice and represents clients from the first hearing through to conclusion. She is well known for her ability to communicate effectively with all clients, her ‘can-do’ attitude and for always going above and beyond for those she represents.

Legal 500 2022

Joanna Hawkett - Crown Chambers 'Joanna is excellent with clients - she has a superb bedside manner. A junior who will go the extra mile to accommodate clients. She is able to find the needle in a large haystack of disclosure.'

Client feedback 2023: “Written advice is exceptional; clear, concise and focussed. Excellent bedside manner with the client department and wouldn’t hesitate to instruct again.”


Francesca V Steels

Francesca V Steels

Francesca V Steels
Francesca V Steels



Family Law:
Children – Public
Children - Private


Law, Lancaster University, 2011 (2:1)
BPTC, The University of Law, 2012 (Very Competent)


Middle Temple
North Eastern Circuit


Francesca practises in all areas of family law, including applications for injunctive relief under the Family Law Act 1996 and private and public proceedings involving children.

Francesca has developed an extensive practice within public law proceedings. She regularly represents local authorities in cases involving sexual abuse, domestic abuse, substance misuse, chronic neglect and non-accidental injury. She has acted as junior counsel in lengthy and complex matters on numerous occasions appearing on behalf of both the Local Authority and the child. Francesca also accepts instructions on behalf of parents, grandparents, children and the Children’s Guardian.

Francesca also accepts instructions in relation to emergency hearings, contested interim removal hearings, finding of fact hearings and contested final hearings.

Francesca regularly appears in private law proceedings, acting for parents and grandparents in matters of contact and residence disputes and applications under the Child Arrangements Programme. She appears in the Family Proceedings Court, County Court and High Court.

She is known for her approachable demeanour and regularly represents vulnerable individuals.

‘Francesca always strives to deliver the best service. When she is acting for local authorities, she builds a good rapport with our social workers, which puts them at ease.’

Legal 500 - 2022

Kylie Peach

Kylie Peach

Kylie Peach
Kylie Peach



Family Law:
Children – Public
Children – Private


Law, University of Hull, 2011 (2:1)
LPC, University of Law, 2012 (Distinction)


Inner Temple
North Eastern Circuit
Women Lawyers of Yorkshire
CPS Grade 2 Prosecutor


Kylie qualified as a Solicitor-Advocate before transferring to the Bar. With over 10 years’ experience of practising in the Civil, Family and Criminal Courts.

Family Law

Kylie appears in all areas of public and private family law proceedings. She accepts instructions on behalf of Local Authorities, parents, family members and children, appearing in the Family Proceedings Court, County Court and High Court.

Kylie has experience of representing parents in care proceedings including, Finding of Fact Hearings where there have been allegations of sexual abuse, domestic abuse and alcohol and drug misuse. In addition, Kylie is regularly instructed to represent clients in private law disputes involving applications under the Child Arrangements Programme, including change of residence, contact orders, specific issue and prohibited steps.

Kylie has experience representing vulnerable individuals, adults and children, including parties represented by the Official Solicitor.

Kylie has experience conducting her own lengthy hearings and has been led by Queen’s Counsel and Junior Counsel on numerous occasions. Most recently Kylie was led by Miss Naomi Madderson in a 5 week case which involved extremely complex medical evidence and allegations of non-accidental injuries.

Kylie regularly accepts instructions on very short notice and represents clients from the first hearing through to final hearing.

Criminal Law

Kylie accepts instructions for the Prosecution and the Defence, appearing in both the Magistrates Court and the Crown Court. Kylie has experience of a broad range of matters, including cases involving, sexual offences, dishonesty, violence, domestic violence and possession and supply of drugs. Kylie acts from first appearance through to trial and, if required, appeal.

Kylie is known for her down to earth approach and ability to communicate well with both those that she represents and those that instruct her.

Neelam Mall

Neelam Mall



Family Law:
Children – Public
Children – Private
Financial remedy


Law, Leeds Metropolitan University, 2014 (First Class)
BPTC, BPP Law School, 2015 (Very Competent)


Inner Temple
North Eastern Circuit


Neelam is a junior barrister who accepts instructions across all areas of family matters including public and private family law and financial remedy.

Neelam has built upon her reputation as an approachable and effective advocate, who is committed to achieving the best outcomes for her clients.

In public law proceedings, Neelam regularly represents the Local Authority, parents and the Guardian. Neelam regularly advises and represent client’s involved the following issues: non-accidental harm, sexual abuse, domestic violence, alcohol and substance misuse and mental health. Neelam is also frequently in urgent hearings for removal, Emergency Protection Orders and Deprivation of Liberty Orders.

She has also been instructed as Junior Counsel on several lengthy and complex cases involving issues of serious sexual abuse.

Neelam has a particular interest in private family law. She represents parents and family members in disputes relating to living and contact arrangements, specific issues and prohibited steps. Neelam has a particular interest in cases of domestic abuse and is regularly instructed to represent parties in contested Finding of Fact hearings. She also represents clients in applications for injunctive relief.

Neelam is also available to provide advices in family law and on the grounds and merits of an appeal.

Olivia Bennyworth

Olivia Bennyworth

Olivia Bennyworth
Olivia Bennyworth



  • Family law
  • Police Law



  • BPTC, BPP University Leeds (2015)
  • LLB (Hons), University of Leeds



  • Northampton Chambers
  • Law Costs Draftsman
  • Senior Legal Officer – Humberside Police and South Yorkshire Police



Olivia was called to the Bar in 2015 following working as a Law Costs Draftsman for 3.5 years gaining vital experience and an understanding of both civil and family law. Olivia has also spent time in a number of specialist police law areas before coming to the Bar as she worked as the Senior Legal Officer at Humberside Police.

Olivia specialises in family law proceedings including children law (private and public), domestic abuse, divorce and ancillary relief. Olivia will also accept instructions in respect of Police law applications.

Benjamin Donnell

Benjamin Donnell

Benjamin Donnell
Benjamin Donnell



  • Criminal law
  • Civil law
  • Family Law


  • BPTC BPP Law School, Manchester
  • LLB (Hons), Newcastle University


  • CPS Grade 3 Prosecutor
  • Pupil Barrister – Estuary Chambers
  • County Court Advocate – LPC Law
  • Master of Moots – BPC Law School and The Eldon Society


  • Middle Temple
  • North Eastern Circuit


Benjamin enjoys a varied practice in Criminal, Civil and Family law. Since completing his pupillage in 2020, Benjamin has quickly become a highly capable and effective advocate which is evidenced by his rapid rise to become a Grade 3 Prosecutor. His approachable style with clients and ability to quickly grasp the issues in his cases has resulted in Benjamin developing a strong practice in cases of complexity in all practice areas.

Criminal Law

Benjamin both prosecutes and defends in a wide range of offences of violence, sexual offences, firearms and drug offences within the Crown Court from PTPH through to trial and sentence.

Example Criminal Cases

R v S 2023

Defending a Lithuanian national in the Crown Court who was charged with possession with intent to supply cannabis, production of cannabis, possession of criminal property and possession of a prohibited firearm. The Crown assessed the defendant to have played a leading role within a wider international criminal enterprise. After a two week trial, Benjamin secured not guilty verdicts on all counts for his client.

R v B 2022

Prosecuting B at trial. She was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm on a 10 year old boy. A complicating factor of this trial was that B had learning difficulties and required an intermediary. Benjamin utilised the ‘Planning to Question Someone with a Learning Disability’ toolkit when cross-examining B to ensure it was robust but appropriate. Benjamin called the young Complainant and his 10 year old friend to give evidence via video-link and reminded himself of the appropriate toolkit to ensure he elicited the best evidence from these child witnesses in an age appropriate manner. After a 5 day trial B was convicted and sentenced.

R v U 2022

Prosecuting U in the Crown Court for domestic burglary. On Benjamin’s advice, the Crown amended the indictment so that the charge was robbery; an offence that was easier for the Crown to prove but carried a higher starting point for sentence than burglary. After a 4 day trial, Benjamin successfully obtained a guilty verdict and U was sentenced accordingly.

R v J 2022

Defending in a trial in the Crown Court involving allegations of animal cruelty, stalking and harassment. The Crown relied upon forensic evidence linking the defendant to the killing of the Complainant’s cat. Benjamin successfully secured acquittals on all counts for his client.

R v E 2022

Defending a Lithuanian national in a multi handed multi million pound conspiracy to steal high worth vehicles, break them down and sell the component parts on. The evidence was of such complexity that the Prosecution team comprised of both leading and junior counsel. After a trial in the Crown Court spanning three weeks, Benjamin successfully secured not guilty verdicts on all counts for his client.

R v H

Defending a young female in the Crown Court, charged with Section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm. After cross-examining the prosecution witnesses, Benjamin successfully made a submission of no case to answer resulting in a formal not guilty verdict being entered in relation to his client.

Civil Law

Benjamin represents both Claimants and Defendants in a wide range of matters from road traffic accidents to housing, personal injury, civil torts and breach of contract. Prior to commencing pupillage Benjamin spent two years as a County Court Advocate with LPC Law attending hearings across the North relating to housing matters. Benjamin accepts instructions to provide written advice to clients and can quickly analyse a case, provide advice as to prospects of success and settlement as well as draft pleadings.

Benjamin has also represented clients in committal proceedings where his extensive knowledge of both criminal and civil law proves particularly beneficial.

Example Civil Cases

T v V 2023

Defending T in an ongoing contractual dispute in relation to a horse. Benjamin has thus far advised as to appropriate settlement terms and represented T at a hearing that should have been the trial but turned into an interim hearing at the request of the Claimant. Benjamin successfully restricted the ambit of further expert evidence to ensure that T’s case remains as strong as possible.

G v S 2021

Defending S in committal proceedings at Leeds County Court. S was alleged to be in contempt of court for breaching an undertaking not to harass G. Benjamin successfully cross-examined G and obtained judgment in favour of his client.

G v F 2020

Defending F in a multi-track trial at York County Court in which the Claimant was claiming damages for alleged harassment by F. Benjamin successfully challenged the Claimant’s evidence and the allegations were found to not be proven.

Family Law

Benjamin represents parents, Local Authorities and Children’s Guardian’s in a broad range of Public Law Children work. Benjamin utilises a dynamic style in relation to his clients and his approachability has meant that he has represented many vulnerable parents and set their minds at ease throughout court proceedings. Benjamin has experience in cases involving serious allegations of child abuse, including non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse, domestic abuse and neglect.

Benjamin recently represented a father alleged to have caused a serious non-accidental fracture injury to his 2 year old son. This entailed challenging the evidence of multiple medical experts, social workers and the Children’s Guardian. After an 11 day final hearing, Benjamin successfully persuaded the Court that the case against his client was not proven and findings were not made in relation to this allegation.

Benjamin has also represented clients in financial remedy proceedings where his ability to cut through the issues in a case and get to grips with the detail has resulted in Benjamin achieving fair settlements for his clients both in and out of court.

Other Interests

During his leisure time, Benjamin is a keen horse rider and intends to participate in equestrian events in the future. He is also extremely sociable and attends social events with friends as well as events organised by the North-Eastern Circuit.

Sarah Middleton

Sarah Middleton

Sarah Middleton
Sarah Middleton



  • Family Law
  • Regulatory Law


  • Called to the Bar 2021
  • Law Degree LLB (Hons) University of Leicester - First Class 2002
  • LPC - College of Law - Distinction 2003
  • Qualified solicitor 2005
  • Higher Rights (Criminal) Solicitor-Advocate 2010


  • Senior Prosecutor- Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
  • CPS Grade 2 Prosecutor
  • Legally Qualified Chair for Police Misconduct Hearings for the North East Region
  • Legal Advisor Family and Crime – Magistrates Court
  • Senior Lawyer – Environment Agency
  • Assistant Force Solicitor – Humberside and South Yorkshire Police


  • Member of the Middle Temple
  • Family Law Bar Association (FLBA)


Sarah Middleton is a qualified Solicitor recently called to the Bar and a member of the Middle Temple and Family Law Bar Association (FLBA). Sarah was previously a Senior Crown Prosecutor at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and is a Legally Qualified Chair for Police Misconduct Hearings for police forces in the North-East region.

Sarah joins Crown Chambers to practise in Family Law and accepts instructions in both private law and public law cases.

Sarah also accepts instructions in regulatory proceedings. Through her previous roles with the Environment Agency and Humberside and South Yorkshire Police Sarah has developed an extensive knowledge of regulatory law. Sarah has vast experience in police misconduct work and coronial law.

Sarah is an experienced advocate and has appeared regularly before the Magistrates Courts, Crown Courts, Coroner’s Courts and in professional disciplinary proceedings.

Michelle Boyeson

Michelle Boyeson

Michelle Boyeson
Michelle Boyeson



  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law


  • Called to the Bar 2021
  • Law & Criminology Degree BA (Hons) University of Lincoln - 2000
  • Qualified solicitor 2007
  • LPC - College of Law - 2006


  • Senior Prosecutor- Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
  • Assistant Force Solicitor – Humberside and South Yorkshire Police
  • Legal Advisor HMCTS Family and Crime – Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) - Magistrates Court


  • Member of the Middle Temple
  • Family Law Bar Association (FLBA)


Michelle Boyeson is a qualified Solicitor with 14 year’s experience who has recently been called to the Bar. She is a member of the Middle Temple and Family Law Bar Association (FLBA).

Through her previous roles with HMCTS, Humberside and South Yorkshire Police and the CPS, Michelle has developed an extensive knowledge of the court systems in both family, crime and operational police applications.

Michelle is an experienced advocate having appeared before the Family and Magistrates courts daily for the majority of her career.  She is known for her friendly approachable nature and joins

Crown Chambers to practise in Family Law accepting instructions in both private law and public law cases together with Criminal Law.

Grace Flint

Grace Flint

Grace Flint
Grace Flint



  • Family


  • Called to the Bar 2011
  • Law Degree LLB (Hons) – University of Hull 2010
  • Bar Professional Training Course – Nottingham Law School 2011
  • Legal Practice Course – Nottingham Law School 2016
  • Qualified Solicitor 2018



  • Member of the Inner Temple



Grace decided upon an alternative route to the Bar by working in a law firm as an advocate to develop and enhance her legal skills, utilise her advocacy qualification and learn to build a rapport with clients from all sections of society. During this time Grace attended a wide variety of Court hearings ranging from Pre-Action Disclosure hearings, interlocutory applications, case management hearings to infant approval hearings and Stage 3 hearings. This experience has enabled her to fully understand the needs and demands of solicitors and lay clients.

Working in Personal Injury has equipped Grace to analyse complex and technical medical records and reports. Grace is familiar with the medical technical jargon and issues concerning causation and pre-existing conditions.

Grace has experience in Family Law having acted for parents in Care Proceedings and dealing with Private Law Children matters. Grace previously acted for clients in a range of litigated matters including Multi-Track Civil Litigation Disputes, Personal Injury claims and Employment matters.

In the last 2 and a half years, as a qualified solicitor, Grace has focussed on Family Law and represented clients from PLO through to Issues Resolution Hearings and Final Hearings.





Kim Gordhandas

Kimberley Gordhandas

Kim Gordhandas
Kimberley Gordhandas



  • Family Law - Children Private and Children Public
  • Civil Law



  • Called to the Bar: 2009
  • Law LLB Honours (2:1): Newcastle University
  • BVC, BPP Law School, Leeds 2009 (Very Competent)



  • Member of the Middle Temple
  • Kirklees School Appeal Panel Member



Kim joins the team at Crown Chambers to specialise in Family and Civil Law.

Kim took an alternative route to the Bar and worked for 12 years as an advocate specialising in Civil Law. Kim has gained extensive experience appearing in the County Courts on a wide range of civil hearings and trials.

In her Family practice, Kim accepts instructions across all areas of Family Law including public and private law. Kim brings her unique background and experience of being a foster career to her work.

Natalie Tindall

Natalie Tindall



  • Family Law - Children Private and Children Public
  • Financial Remedy


  • Called to the Bar: 2022
  • Bachelor of Laws Degree - Leeds Metropolitan University
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Law - College of Law, York
  • Master's Degree in Law - Leeds Metropolitan University
  • Higher Rights Solicitor (Civil and Crime


  • Member of the Middle Temple


Natalie joins Crown Chambers to specialise in Family Law with a wealth of experience.

Natalie has vast experience of public law children act proceedings and in private practice received instructions from parties and Children's Guardians. She has experience of complex public law matters including cases of non-accidental injury, physical harm and neglect and sexual harm.

In 2013 Natalie went on to work for the Local Authority in a Senior Solicitor role and has worked with and for several Local Authorities representing Children's Services in care proceedings. In her last role she was appointed Principal Solicitor in 2018 and she managed the Local Authority Child Protection Legal team whilst continuing to hold a complex and large caseload.

Benjamin Hammersley

Benjamin Hammersley

Benjamin Hammersley
Benjamin Hammersley



  • Crime
  • Family



  • LLB Law and Politics – University of Manchester 2016
  • BPTC & LLM Manchester Metropolitan University 2019
  • Called to the Bar 2019



  • CPS General Crime Panel - Grade 2
  • Middle Temple Young Barristers Association – North Eastern Circuit Representative
  • Family Law Bar Association
  • Criminal Law Bar Association



  • Major BTPC scholarship – Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Middle Temple - Baron Dr Ver Heyden de Lancey Prize for highest scoring student in his BPTC cohort



Benjamin joined Crown Chambers in January 2022 after completing a mixed pupillage under the supervision of David Godfrey.

Benjamin has a rapidly growing Crown Court defence practice dealing with offences including conspiracy to supply Class A drugs, s.18 GBH, death by dangerous driving, and threats to kill. In addition, having been appointed to the CPS General Crime Panel at Grade 2 before the end of his pupillage has developed an extensive prosecution practice and regularly conducts trials in the Crown Court. Benjamin has had extensive experience in dealing with cases involving violence and domestic abuse and has defended in a number of multi-handed county lines drugs cases.

In his family law practice Benjamin has previously dealt extensively with public law matters for parents and Local Authorities alike at all stages of proceedings. His family practice is now predominantly focused on private law with a particular interest in domestic abuse having done extensive research on the subject for his masters dissertation.

Prior to pupillage Benjamin spent time undertaking work alongside his studies in the personal injury departments of different law firms, and as a self-employed County Court advocate conducting hearings on a range of civil matters including many small claims trials. Benjamin also previously spent time working for the University of Manchester Legal Advice Centre, and volunteering at the Personal Support Unit in the Manchester Civil Justice Centre.

Notable Cases

R v W - Leeds Crown Court 2023

After a two day trial Ben secured guilty verdicts on six counts of attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and making/distribution of indecent images of children. The case involved evidence of tracing IP addresses and analysis of the Defendants device to determine the provenance of images found. The jury were in retirement for less than an hour.

R v V and Others – Bolton Crown Court 2023

Defended throughout the duration of the proceedings on a county lines drugs operation which involved trafficking of vulnerable youth’s where Benjamin’s client was charged with involvement in the supply of heroin. On the fourth day of the trial the prosecution accepted a plea to simple possession which resulted in a sentence of 7 days imprisonment where the lead co-defendant received a sentence in excess of 9 years imprisonment.

R v H – Bradford Crown Court 2021

Represented this Defendant at sentence following his conviction after trial for sentences of exposure. The Defendant was originally sentenced to 6 months immediate custody. Benjamin advised on and drafted grounds for appeal which subsequently were successful and the sentence was reduced to 2 months suspended for 2 years.

R v K & S – Hull Crown Court 2022

Prosecuted in this two-handed theft that involved a string of offences around the country targeting elderly people at cash points. The case involved legal argument as to the correctness of the charge based on when cash being withdrawn from a machine came into the victim’s possession even hen they never physically touched it.

R v H – Hull Crown Court 2022

Defended in this Class A PWITS matter where the Defendant fell to be subject to mandatory minimum sentencing provisions owing to previous convictions, including offences committed in another jurisdiction. The Court was persuaded not to impose what would have been the mandatory minimum term of 7 years, instead imposing a sentence of 3 years.

R v D – Hull Crown Court 2022

Prosecuted in this matter which involved a cannabis farm where the drugs seized were valued at up to £42,000.00. The Defendant was running a modern slavery defence and had received a positive NRM decision. The Defendant pleaded guilty on the day of trial.

Hannah Turner

Hannah Turner

Hannah Turner
Hannah Turner



  • Criminal


  • (M) Law – Northumbria University 2019
  • BPTC – Northumbria University 2017 - 2019
  • Called to the Bar 2019


Linda Sykes memorial award – awarded to the highest scoring student on M(Law) BPTC Course


Hannah Joined Crown Chambers in January 2022 after completing a mixed pupillage under the supervision of David Godfrey the previous year.

Hannah has a growing Crown Court defence practice and has successfully defended in a number of complex cases those including; violence, domestic assaults, sexual offences and a number of multi-handed conspiracy to supply drugs cases.

Hannah also has significant experience in cases that involve clients who have significant mental health difficulties and/or lack capacity. In particular, those that have been deemed “unfit to stand trial”.

Hannah has extensive knowledge and experience prosecuting in the Magistrates Court and is often instructed to prosecute complex cases that remain in the lower courts.

Hannah is passionate on the law around sexual offences and wrote her dissertation on consent within the Sexual Offences Act, and the effects of alcohol upon complainants and their ability to give consent.

Hannah has also developed a significant practice in private prosecutions, particularly in relation to the Environmental Protection Act. She has prosecuted both individual landlords and Local Authority’s following complaints made by tenants of statutory nuisances at their property.

Before joining Crown Chambers to complete her pupillage, she gained work experience as a Paralegal, carrying out a wide variety of work, predominantly focused on criminal appeals and parole hearings.


R v E [2022] – Hannah successfully defended E who was charged with ABH. It was alleged that he had strangled his wife until she became unconscious and prevented her from leaving their house to get help. After a 3-day trial in Hull Crown Court, which involved the use of two interpreters and a number of special measures, the Defendant was found ‘not guilty’.

R v H [2022] – Hannah defended H who was charged with child cruelty. After a s28 hearing, in which Hannah was required to cross examine the 6-year-old complainant, Hannah was able to persuade the CPS to accept a plea to a lesser offence of common assault. H was sentenced at Grimsby Crown Court, and received a community order.

R v B [2022]  – Hannah Defended B who was charged with s20 GBH. He ran self-defence at trial and after a 3 day trial at Grimsby Crown Court, the Defendant was acquitted.

R v A [2023] – Hannah defended in a three-day trial in Leeds Crown Court, where A was charged with Money Laundering offences. Despite what at first glance appeared to be compelling evidence of A’s guilt, Hannah was able to highlight the flaws within the investigation and the Crown’s case. Ultimately securing an acquittal for her client.

R v C [2023] – Hannah defended a young woman who was being prosecuted for Arson (Reckless as to whether life would be endangered) following a fire at her flat. The woman suffered with significant mental health difficulties including paranoid schizophrenia. The prosecution alleged that she had set fire to her flat, an assertion that was confirmed by confessions made by the Defendant upon the fire brigade attending at her property. Hannah was able to successfully apply to have the confessional evidence excluded and ultimately the prosecution offered no evidence against her client.



Rebecca Wilkinson

Rebecca Wilkinson

Rebecca Wilkinson
Rebecca Wilkinson



  • Family
  • Criminal
  • CPS Prosecutor Grade 1


  • BA Honours Law LLB – University of Liverpool 2019 - First Class
  • BPP Master of Laws LLM 2020 - Distinction
  • Called to the Bar 2021


  • Family Law Bar Association (FLBA)
  • Inner Temple


  • BPP Excellence Award
  • Julian Linskill Prize for Criminal Evidence (University of Liverpool)


Rebecca joined Crown Chambers’ Pupillage programme in January 2021 following the completion of her legal studies during which she also undertook voluntary work and work experience in the legal sector. Rebecca has won a number of competitions during her studies, including the Julian Linskill prize for performance in criminal evidence at the University of Liverpool, and the BPP excellence scholarship. Rebecca has volunteered in the Duty Solicitor Housing Scheme in Leeds shadowing the Duty Solicitor and supporting with an employment law telephone advice line in the summer of 2020.

Jazmine Lee

Jazmine Lee

Jazmine Lee
Jazmine Lee



  • Crime – CPS Grade 2 Prosecutor
  • Public Family Law.
  • Private Family Law



  • University of Law – Law LLB (2.1)
  • BPP Law School – BPTC LLM (Distinction)
  • Called to the Bar 2019



  • Sir William Utting Prize for History, Law, Politics and Economics
  • BPP’s Advocate of the Year – Runner up (financial award)
  • Broadway House Plea in Mitigation Competition – Runner up



  • The Inner Temple
  • Family Law Bar Association



R v G and R v D [2023] – Following a lengthy prosecution for the Bradford Boys County Lines operation – Operation Chirwell – Ms Lee represented two defendants at the sentencing hearing before HHJ McKone at Hull Crown Court. There were nine defendants in total. After fully mitigating for both defendants, both defendants received a 3-year sentence of imprisonment. Mr G, in particular, was due to be released from custody one week after sentence.”

R v Chaffer [2023] - represented defendant at a Newton hearing at Hull Crown Court

R v Maw [2022] – represented the Defendant in his sentencing hearing for indecent images offences

R v Isherwood [2022] – prosecuted the Defendant in his sentencing hearing for burglary

R v Cawthorne [2023] - secured a conviction after a three day trial at Grimsby Crown Court for having a bladed article in a public place. Defendant was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

R v Rowe [2022] - represented defendant charged with with burglary. Defendant eventually sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 2 years 9 months.

R v Grant [2022] - represented defendant charged with aggravated burglary and robbery. After numerous hearings, the crown offered no evidence against the defendant.

R v Marazza [2023)- represented defendant who had previously pleaded guilty to breach of restraining order. The matter was listed for a Newton hearing. Due to new evidence, the Crown accepted the defendant’s basis and after mitigation the defendant‘s sentence was deferred.

R v Melchior [2022] - prosecuted a sentence for offences including ABH and possession of a blade. The defendant was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment. 

R v Sansam [2022] - represented defendant charged with possession of Cat A images


Jazmine joined Crown Chambers Pupillage programme in January 2021 following a number of years studying law and gaining valuable work experience. Subsequently, Jazmine became a tenant in January 2022. Jazmine has worked as a Legal Assistant for a Personal Injury Barrister as well as completing a paid internship with JUSTICE focusing on Criminal Justice, Human Rights and access to justice – which is where her interest lies.

Jazmine frequently prosecutes and defends in the Magistrates Court and has recently become a CPS Grade 1 Prosecutor. Since practising, Jazmine has been involved in matters concerning dishonesty, violence and public disorder.

In the Family arena, Jazmine has been involved in a number of matters in public and private law. Jazmine represents local authorities, parents, grandparents and the Children’s Guardian in care proceedings. Jazmine also regularly appears in private law proceedings in matters of contact disputes, specific issue applications and contested hearings such as non-molestation order applications.



Bede Porter

Bede Porter

Bede Porter
Bede Porter



  • Family
  • Criminal



  • Inner Temple
  • Family Law Bar Association
  • North Eastern Circuit



  • Called to the Bar 2018
  • LLM – Northumbria University - 2018
  • BPTC – Northumbria University – 2018
  • GDL – Northumbria University – 2017
  • BA Hons in Combined Honours majoring in History - Newcastle University – 2016



  • Major Exhibition Award from Inner Temple
  • Duke of Edinburgh Entrance Award
  • Woon Human Rights Award



  • CPS Grade 2 Prosecutor



Bede joined Chambers in 2022 following successful completion of pupillage. Prior to joining Chambers, Bede worked as a legal assistant within a large local authority and helped with day-to-day conduct of two caseloads of care proceedings including complex cases involving cross-border issues, complex medical evidence, serious linked criminal proceedings, and digital images that had been tampered with. Alongside these duties, Bede acted as the legal advisor to education appeals panels, conducted cases through the PLO, and dealt with information requests to and from the local authority and various police forces.

Bede has rapidly developed a broad practice across all of Chambers’ main practice areas. Bede has built on his experience at the local authority and developed a strong care practice including complex cases incorporating non-accidental injury, sexual abuse, drug abuse, mental health problems, and serious neglect. Bede also deals with complex private law children matters, including cases involving allegations of sexual abuse, other domestic abuse, and drug use.

Within the Criminal jurisdiction, Bede both prosecutes and defends in a wide variety of offences, and has been appointed as a grade two prosecutor. He has dealt with offences of serious violence, stalking and harassment, public order offences, driving offences involving expert evidence, and various drug offences.

Bede has a calm manner, an approachable demeanour, and is adept at explaining complicated issues in the simplest of terms. Bede is also skilled at dealing with vulnerable clients, prides himself on his empathy, and his clients appreciate his ability to make them feel comfortable in the most demanding of situations.


Bede’s family practice has rapidly expanded and he has represented local authorities, parents, and children’s guardians at all stages of care proceedings, from initial hearings, through case management, and at IRH and final hearings. Bede has also represented parents in all phases of private law proceedings, including through taking cases from initial application, through case management to findings of fact and final hearings.


Bede has prosecuted and defended in a wide variety of criminal matters, and is experienced at dealing with vulnerable people navigating the criminal justice system. Bede has used his experience across jurisdictions to make complainants and defendants feel comfortable and therefore able to give their best evidence.


Bede has a master’s in contract law and is particularly interested in this area of law. In practice, Bede has represented claimants and respondents in a variety of civil claims, possession claims, and by representing children in infant settlement approval hearings.

Other Interests

Bede is a passionate football fan and a season ticket holder at his hometown club Newcastle United. Bede also spends his spare time writing a series of novels he hopes to publish and playing chess to tournament standard.


‘Bede was excellent.  He explained the process, and the possible outcomes and options.  He supported [the client] really well through [the] ordeal and his debriefing afterwards and suggestions for the future issues were most helpful.  We would have no hesitation in requesting his services again should they be needed.’


LA v G 2023 – Bede represents a mother in ongoing care proceedings relating to life-threatening injuries caused to a baby and is led by one of the King’s Counsel door tenants in chambers.

LA v M 2023 – Bede is led by one of Chamber’s King’s Counsel door tenants and represents a father in ongoing care proceedings where the client is accused of serious sexual abuse.

C v P 2022 – Bede represented a respondent to a non-molestation order application and at the return hearing persuaded the judge to dismiss the application and award costs against the applicant on the basis the application was completely without merit.

S v G 2023 – Bede represented an applicant father in a final hearing at which he was able to overcome recommendations made by Cafcass regarding contact.

Olivia McGeeney

Olivia McGeeney

Olivia McGeeney
Olivia McGeeney



  • Family
  • Crime



  • 2019-2020: BPTC/LLM - BPP University, Manchester (Very Competent)
  • 2015-2018: Bachelor of Laws - University of Liverpool (2:1 with honours)
  • October 2021: Called to the Bar of England & Wales



  • Sir Thomas More Scholarship, awarded by The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn (2018)
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship, awarded by BPP University, Manchester (2018)



Olivia joined Crown Chambers as a tenant in October 2022 following successful completion of her Pupillage under the supervision of David Godfrey. Prior to Pupillage, she spent nine months providing advocacy for young people involved in SEND processes with Sheffield City Council, where she obtained legal qualifications in SEN Law. Olivia is a fearless advocate and will always ensure that her client’s best interests are at the forefront of her mind. She is able to quickly get a firm understanding of the key issues in her cases, even at very short notice, and advise her clients accordingly.

Family Law:

Olivia has a rapidly expanding practice in private family law and has developed a keen interest in this area of family work.  She has experience representing clients at all stages of proceedings under the Children Act, including accepting instructions in appeals relating to child arrangement orders. Olivia represents those accused of domestic abuse in fact-find hearings, in addition to representing those alleging domestic abuse, which has included allegations of rape and sexual assault. Olivia has a developing practice in financial remedy proceedings and has represented clients at the First Appointment, right through to a Final Hearing, including securing a large majority share in the sale of the matrimonial home and a full costs order against the Respondent in her first Final Hearing. She also has experience representing local authorities, parents and children through their Children’s Guardian in public law matters.

Criminal Law:

Olivia is a Grade 1 prosecutor and frequently prosecutes cases involving stalking, harassment, ABH and coercive and controlling behaviour. Olivia also defends in the Crown Court and Magistrates Court where she has experience representing defendants who have been charged with drugs offences and sexual offences.

Notable Criminal Cases Include:

R v A [2023]

Olivia represented A who was charged with being concerned in the supply of class b drugs. After a careful analysis of the crown’s evidence against A, Olivia submitted an application to dismiss the charge which subsequently led to the Crown offering no evidence and a Not Guilty verdict was recorded against Mr A.

R v B & X [2022]

Olivia represented two defendants at first appearance and sentencing who were charged with producing cannabis. Following a conference, basis of pleas were put together which led to the Crown eventually accepting that both defendants were a “lesser role” and as such received 12 months custody each, rather than a potential 4 years.

R v B [2022]

Olivia represented B who was a vulnerable individual with significant mental health and learning difficulties. He had been charged with sexual assault x2 against a similarly vulnerable complainant. Olivia was sensitive in her approach and utilised the Advocates Gateway Toolkit - ‘Planning to Question Someone with a Learning Disability’. The Crown eventually offered no evidence against B on the day of trial.


In addition to being a tenacious advocate, Olivia regularly receives positive feedback from both clients and solicitors, commending her for her excellent client care skills and down to earth approach which makes her clients feel instantly at ease.

“Olivia’s professionalism and empathy were absolutely amazing. I genuinely could not have coped with my court appearance without her.”

“Our client highly recommends Olivia. It is not often we have hearings listed in the York area but we will be sure to come back to Olivia if and when we do.”

“Olivia was brilliant. Client was adamant he wanted Olivia to represent him for a further hearing. Both client and solicitors were very impressed.”

Harry Bradford

Harry Bradford

Harry Bradford
Harry Bradford



  • Criminal Law
  • Family Law



  • BPC University of Law, Manchester
  • GDL University of Law, Chester
  • MSc Forensic Linguistics, Bangor University
  • BA Hons English Literature and language, Bangor University



  • CPS Grade 1 Prosecutor
  • Pupil Barrister – Crown Chambers
  • Family Law Bar Association – Equality and Diversity Panel
  • Deans Award for Excellence 2021 – University of Law Manchester
  • Advocacy Scholarship – University of Law Manchester



  • Inner Temple
  • Family Law Bar Association



Since completing pupillage in 2022, Harry has grown his practice in both Criminal and Family law with clients commending his effective advocacy and client care. His practice continues to grow with repeat instructions on Grade 2 prosecution cases.

Examples of Criminal Cases

R v M [2022]

Prosecuting M in the Crown Court for intentional strangulation. In this matter the complainant was not supportive of the prosecution which led to evidential difficulties for the prosecution. Harry used the CCTV footage and witness evidence to add a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm in lieu of the intentional strangulation. The defendant pleaded guilty to the new offence and was sentenced accordingly.

R v H [2023]

Prosecuting H in the Crown Court for sexual offences. On Harry’s advice, the Crown amended the indictment so that a charge of arranging or facilitating child exploitation could be pursued. An offence to which the defendant pleaded guilty and was sentenced.

R v P [2023]

Defending in the Crown Court for possession with intent to supply class A cocaine. Harry represented the defendant in a county lines drug case, he advised the client as to a plea and mitigated for his client with the Court agreeing with his summation and sentencing the defendant in a lesser role of offending.

Examples of Family Cases

Harry’s practice includes Public and Private Family Law and he uses his approachability to ensure clients are informed, advised and considered throughout their proceedings. Harry has experience working with vulnerable clients and in cases involving serious allegations of child and client sexual abuse, domestic abuse, neglect, and controlling and coercive relationships.

Other Interests

Harry enjoys playing rugby union with a local team, playing squash, and running. He is a proud advocate for the LGBTQ+ community and volunteers as Crown Chambers’ Equality and Diversity officer.

Marc Luxford

Marc Luxford

Marc Luxford
Marc Luxford



  • Criminal Law
  • Regulatory Law
  • Civil Law
  • Family Law


  • University of York (2016-2019) - LLB (Hons), 2:1, 67%.
  • University of Law (2020-2021) – LLM, Distinction.
  • University of Law (2020-2021) – BPC, Very Competent.


  • CPS Grade 1 Prosecutor


  • Middle Temple


Marc is a well-liked practitioner on the north-eastern circuit. He commenced his pupillage within Chambers in 2021, completing a mixed pupillage made up of a hybrid of family and criminal law. He enjoyed time with Gaynor Hall in family matters and David Godfrey in crime. He became a tenant at Crown Chambers in October 2022. Since completing his pupillage Marc has begun a varied criminal and civil practice. Recently, Marc has enjoyed a practice primarily in the Crown Court but does still appear for both the prosecution and defence in Magistrates Court matters. He appears on behalf of the CPS as a Grade 1 prosecutor.

Criminal Law

Magistrates Court

Marc is very adept in summary-only driving matters. He is often requested by instructing solicitors for first hearings, trials and appeals to the Crown Court. He is a popular choice for exceptional hardship applications. Marc has an exceptional knowledge of the case law and the quirks in burden and standard of proof in driving matters.

Marc regularly appears in the Magistrates Court on behalf of the CPS. He is often requested by reviewing lawyers for difficult briefs and complex cases, often months in advance. He recently prosecuted a multiple day newton hearing involving multiple defendants who had entered guilty pleas to an offence of Affray in a busy train station.

Marc has a strong Magistrates Court defence practice as well. He has secured acquittals on serious matters, such as intentional strangulation, ABH and affray. Marc has a manner with vulnerable witnesses, beyond his year of call, which makes him a popular choice in matters involving young children. He has cross-examined very young children in the magistrates court in cases which have resulted in acquittals.

Youth Court

Marc regularly appears in the Youth Court. He is popular with both defence solicitors and the CPS. Marc has built upon his academical background, with modules in Youth Justice and the Criminology of Youth, always being at the forefront of his mind. He often appears for the CPS to prosecution youth court trials list all over Yorkshire and Humberside. Marc has had very successful results including the resolution of a case involving allegations of rape (charged as coercive controlling behaviour) involving a 14-year-old Complainant and 16-year-old Defendant. Marc has secured conditional discharges for youths accused of assault by beating as well as a financial penalty for an offence of robbery.

Crown Court

Marc appears on behalf of the prosecution within his role as a grade 1 prosecutor. This includes but is not limited to; bail applications, committals for sentence, appeals against sentence, and appeals against conviction. Marc has recently retained a Grade 2 brief after covering a PTPH. This resolved by agreement before reaching trial. Marc, more regularly, defends in the Crown Court. He has managed cases from PTPH through to trial. He is regularly instructed to defend in committals for sentence and is well trusted by instructing solicitors to achieve good results. Marc has a knack for securing suspended sentences when the offence is on the cusp of immediate custody.  Marc is currently instructed to defend in cases including counts of rape and serious violence. He appears in Crown Courts all over the region, including Lincoln, Leeds, Bradford and Hull. Marc has considerable experience with section 28 procedures given his year of call. He has a good manner with vulnerable witnesses and has appeared for both the prosecution and the defence for pre-recorded cross-examination. He has cross-examined young complainants with successful results.

Example Cases

R v L 2023

Marc successfully defended an 18-year-old male with no previous convictions who spent 6 months on remand. He faced an 11-count indictment, including coercive controlling behaviour, arson with intent to endanger life and multiple intentional strangulations. Mr L was acquitted of all 10 matters contested at trial and received a conditional discharge for a period of 9 months for the count he entered a guilty plea too. This case involved cross-examination of three prosecution witnesses, all under 18 years of age. One complainant chose to give evidence via the s28 pre-recorded cross-examination procedure. Marc navigated this successfully and appropriately. The trial lasted 6 days.

R v F 2023

Marc defended an individual accused of making indecent images. The Judge commented that “every aggravating feature was present” and after hearing submissions from Marc imposed a 2-year sentence suspended for a period of 2 years. Marc had represented the individual from PTPH after they had issues with their previous legal team. Mr F agreed to enter guilty pleas after multiple conferences leading to a great result.

R v M 2023

Defending an individual accused of fraud against previous employers. The case involved a clear abuse of trust and other aggravating factors. After submissions, Mr M received a suspended sentence for a period of 2 years.

R v M 2023

Defending a male accused of PWITS of cannabis. Marc successfully argued the sentence could be suspended despite the quantity being over 4KG and the prosecution attaching a street value of £40,000 and wholesale value of £16,000. Mr M received a 16-month custodial sentence suspended for 2 years.

R v C 2023

Marc has recently been instructed to defend an individual accused of two counts of rape. This is a case involving the s28 procedure which is due to take place late this year (2023). The trial is listed late 2024 in Leeds Crown Court.

R v OK & Others 2023

Defending first on the indictment in a multi-handed affray and s20 GBH. The trial is listed late into 2024 in Lincoln Crown Court.

R v D 2023

Marc is currently instructed in the matter of an appeal against conviction. He prosecutes this matter. Two young children, aged 13 and 8 years old, were subject to section 28 procedures which have already taken place. The appeal is listed for a full day in Summer 2023.

R v F 2022 (Youth Court)

Successful prosecution of a 16-year-old male who was found to have coercively controlled his 14 year old partner over the course of a few months. Elements of violence and lots of sensitive sexual content which had to be navigated properly. Resolved on the second trial listing through a guilty plea.

R v Multiple Defendants (Magistrates Court)

Successful prosecution of three individuals involved in violence at a busy train station. A multiple-day newton hearing heard by a District Judge. Resolved via agreement during the hearing. This was a BTP prosecution and familiarised Marc with the different tools utilised by police forces outside of Yorkshire and Humberside (niche v egress).

Civil Law

Marc has a growing civil law practice. He is well liked by those who instruct him and prides himself in always being available on his mobile phone – something that often is very useful in high intensity civil proceedings. Marc has secured successful results and orders for costs against counsel well beyond his years of call. Marc’s practice is very much growing but he is building upon his experience with a direct-access barrister prior to taking pupillage whom he shadowed for over a year. This involved a lot of civil work, including cases with an international element. In his role previously, Marc assisted with a Caribbean diplomat who was wrongfully accused of rape. The case involved elements of diplomatic immunity, defamation and police disclosure.

Example Cases

H v E 2023

Marc successfully defended an application brought for outstanding commercial rents to the sum of £25,000+ in a full day hearing in Hull County Court. In doing so, Marc secured costs to the sum of around £6000. The other sides’ costs, totalling £25,000+, were to be paid for by the Claimant. The claim would have had the effect of placing the Defendant into liquidation and as such the result was well received.

A v A 2023

Marc successfully defended an application for summary judgment. Costs were awarded in the case.

T v T 2022

Successfully defended an application to set-aside and costs awarded in full in a half-day hearing at the Manchester Civil Justice Centre.

Family Law

Marc takes instructions in matters of private family law. He undertook pupillage with Gaynor Hall a well-respected family barrister on the north-eastern circuit. He is instructed often to represent parents in private family matters surrounding children’s contact.

Example Cases

S v H 2023

A two-day fact find in Grimsby Family Court. Marc represented the Defendant who had some allegations proved against him but others not found. The case involved allegations and counter-allegations and elements of domestic violence, parental alienation and historic sexual abuse and historic child abuse.

T v S 2023

A full-day final hearing with the contested issue being contact. Resolved via compromise at lunchtime. Both parents enjoying contact.

Ellen Boyes

Ellen Boyes

Ellen Boyes
Ellen Boyes



  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Civil Law


  • Law LLB (Hons) - University of Lincoln – First Class Honours - 2020
  • BPC - Northumbria University - Distinction - 2021
  • Called to the Bar - October 2021



  • The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Appointments and Awards

  • CPS Grade 1 Prosecutor
  • The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple Exhibition Scholarship


Ellen joined Crown Chambers' Pupillage programme in October 2022 under the supervision of Joanna Hawkett.

Prior to starting pupillage, Ellen worked as a County Court advocate. Within this role, Ellen appeared before District Judges representing both Claimants and Defendants in a variety of contested civil matters including small claims, landlord and tenant disputes, possession claims, and general civil applications.

Ellen is a Grade 1 prosecutor and regularly appears in the Magistrates Court. During pupillage, Ellen has successfully prosecuted trials involving ABH, stalking, and harassment. Ellen has also appeared in the Crown Court, on behalf of the CPS in bail applications and committal for sentences.

Ellen has developed a keen interest in both Public and Private Family Law. Ellen has successfully represented parties at non-molestation order applications. Ellen also has experience working with vulnerable clients when dealing with cases involving serious allegations of domestic abuse.

Annabelle Coakley

Annabelle Coakley

Annabelle Coakley
Annabelle Coakley



  • Family
  • Criminal


  • LLM - Northumbria University 2019
  • BPTC - Northumbria University - 2019
  • GDL - Northumbria University - 2017
  • Linguistics MA Hons - Newcastle University - 2016
  • English Language and Literature - Northumbria University - 2015


  • Dean’s Award (Northumbria University)
  • Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship (Northumbria University


  • The Honorary Society of the Inner Temple
  • Called to the Bar 2019
  • CPS Grade 1 Prosecutor
  • Deans Award - Northumbria University
  • Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship – Northumbria University


Annabelle joined Crown Chambers’ Pupillage Programme in October 2022, supervised by Gaynor Hall, and has a keen interest in both Criminal and Family Law.

Prior to the commencement of pupillage, Annabelle worked as a Legal Assistant within the Children’s Legal Team at Middlesbrough Council. Within this role, Annabelle worked alongside Fee Earners on a range of public family law matters, including care proceedings and court of protection matters. Annabelle has experience with cases involving non-accidental injury, historical sexual abuse, and cases with an international element. Annabelle worked alongside agencies, including the Crown Prosecution Service in relation to matters which included ongoing criminal proceedings.

Annabelle also enjoyed previous roles as a Legal Assistant at a Magic Circle firm where she worked on a range of commercial and financial regulatory matters; as a Legal Assistant within a firm specialising in Employment matters, and as a County Court Advocate with Quest Legal Advocates where she regularly attended case management and final hearings, and small claims trials, across the Northern and North Eastern Circuits.

Annabelle has experience of working with children and vulnerable individuals, including those who are neurodiverse or who experience mental health concerns, and those who are assisted by an intermediary.

Criminal Law:

Annabelle is a Grade 1 prosecutor and frequently appears in both the Magistrates’ and Crown Courts. She has had particular success in prosecuting trials involving domestic abuse and racial harassment matters where she has been described as a “calming influence” within the court room. Annabelle also has experience with youth matters.

Family Law:

Since commencing pupillage, Annabelle has utilised her previous experience to represent parties within public law matters, including at urgent removal hearings. Annabelle also has represented parties within private proceedings in relation to domestic abuse and child arrangement matters, including where there are allegations of serious domestic abuse and allegations of rape or sexual assault.









Fintan Molloy

Fintan Molloy

Fintan Molloy
Fintan Molloy



  • Family Law
  • Civil & Employment Law
  • Criminal Law


  • LLM Bar Vocational Studies - City, University of London - 2021
  • MA Law (GDL) - University of Law, Manchester 2022
  • University of York - BA (Hons) - 2019

Awards & Scholarships

  • Droop Scholarship from the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn - Awarded 2020
  • The York Award Gold - Awarded 2019
  • Seoul National University Summer School Sponsorship - Awarded 2018



  • Resolution
  • Family Law Bar Association
  • The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn.
  • Year of Call: 2021



  • Fintan Molloy, "Mother" or "Father": Birth Registration and the Rights of Transgender Parents' (2021) 3 City L. Rev, 166-195.



Family Law

Fintan accepts instructions in both public and private family law as well as financial remedy. His compassionate approach ensures that clients feel at ease when discussing sensitive information.

Fintan has previously volunteered for the City Law School Free Legal Advice Clinic where he advised upon family law matters. In addition, Fintan spent two years volunteering for Support Through Court (formerly the Personal Support Unit) where he guided vulnerable litigants-in-person through the family court system and regularly assisted in drafting on behalf of complainants of domestic abuse.

Civil & Employment Law

Fintan has a growing civil practice. He accepts instructions for advisory work on both liability and quantum and for advocacy work in the Small Claims Track and Fast Track. Fintan has previously worked as a County Court advocate and regularly appeared before District Judges.

Fintan also accepts instructions for advisory and advocacy work in Employment law. Prior to commencing pupillage, Fintan worked as a Litigation Consultant where he represented Respondents in the Employment Tribunal at both final hearings and preliminary hearings. He advised upon the merits of a range of cases from unfair dismissal through to discrimination claims.

Criminal Law

Fintan is a Grade 1 prosecutor and regularly appears in the Magistrates Court to both prosecute and defend. He also appears in the Crown Court for sentencing hearings, bail applications and case management hearings.


Chloe Pinches

Chloe Pinches

Chloe Pinches
Chloe Pinches



  • Family
  • Criminal


  • BPTC (Very Competent) - University of Law Birmingham - 2022
  • LLM (Distinction) - University of Law Birmingham - 2021
  • Law LLB (Hons) - University of Liverpool - 2018
  • Called to the Bar - 2022

Awards & Scholarships

  • Pro-Bono Award
  • University of Law Plea in Mitigation Competition - Finalist
  • North West Intervarsity Mooting Competition - Winner
  • University of Liverpool Internal Mooting Competition – Winner


  • The Honorary Society of Lincoln's Inn
  • Women in Law


Chloe joins Crown Chambers as a Pupil Barrister in October 2022. Prior to pupillage, Chloe spent four years working as a Paralegal at leading criminal solicitors’ firms in Birmingham. She has gained extensive experience in the preparation of cases for a range of offences, including serious and complex crime.

Chloe is passionate about representing those from disadvantaged backgrounds. She has provided pro-bono advice through a number of legal advice services, including University of Liverpool Law Clinic, University of Law Pro-Bono Clinic and Citizens Advice Bureau. She has dealt with matters involving family law, social welfare law, and housing law at Courts and Tribunals across the West Midlands and has won awards for her commitment to access to justice. Chloe also has previous experience of dealing with housing law matters, specifically landlord and tenant disputes and disrepair claims against social housing groups. Chloe accepts instructions in the County Courts on a wide range of hearings.

Chloe is keen to encourage women and young people from diverse backgrounds into the legal profession. She has volunteered in schools with Street Law, delivering talks to students and is an active member of Women in Criminal Law.

Maya Hanson

Maya Hanson

Maya Hanson
Maya Hanson



  • Criminal and Family Law Pupillage


  • Law LLB (Hons) – First Class Honours – University of Lincoln
  • LLM Barristers Training Course (BTC) – Nottingham Trent University – Distinction
  • Called to the Bar – March 2022
  • Shortlisted for the 2023 Nottinghamshire Law Society Annual Award – Junior Lawyer of the Year
  • Semi-Finalist in the Rosamund Smith Mooting Competition 2021 hosted by the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple.


Prior to pupillage, Maya spent two years working as a Prison Lawyer and Prison Law Supervisor at Carringtons Solicitors.  She attended at Her Majesty’s Prisons and represented, advised, and advocated for prison inmates throughout England and Wales on all issues of Prison Law, including prison adjudications and reviews before the Parole Board.  She understands the problems that can be faced by those incarcerated and advises promptly and clearly, attending many of her clients in person at their holding establishment.

She has experience with maximum security reviews, Parole Board Reviews, hearings within the Prison Estate and the revocation of licences by the Secretary of State for Justice. Maya has also worked alongside professionals, including probation officers, psychologists, psychiatrists, substance misuse workers and other mental health experts.


Blaise Morris

Blaise Morris

Blaise Morris
Blaise Morris



  • Family, Criminal and Civil Law Pupillage


  • LLB (Hons), First Class
  • BPC


  • 2022 - Lord Denning Scholarship, Lincolns Inn
  • 2020 - University of Hull Medical Law Prize
  • 2019 - University of Hull Prize for Equity and Trusts
  • 2017 - University of Hull Merit Sponsorship


  • The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
  • FLBA
  • CBA


Blaise commenced his pupillage in October 2023 under the supervision of Joanna Hawkett and intends to develop a practice across the breadth of Chambers’ core areas.

Blaise graduated from the University of Hull in 2020 with a First-Class honours in Law. During his studies, Blaise volunteered as an Appropriate Adult at Hull Police Station and the University of Hull Legal Clinic which exposed him to private law family disputes.

Blaise worked for the UK’s largest criminal defence law firm as an Administrator and latterly as a Paralegal within claimant and defendant personal injury law firms, often assisting senior fee earners with multi-track and large loss cases from inception through to settlement or trial.

Outside of the Law, Blaise enjoys exploring the Lake District with his working cocker spaniel, Bentley, cross-fit, cooking and socialising with family and friends.

Kimari Storey

Kimari Storey

Kimari Storey
Kimari Storey



  • Family and Criminal Pupillage


  • BA History with Political Science (First Class Honours) – University of the West Indies
  • MSc International Trade Policy (Distinction) – University of the West Indies
  • PGDL (Merit) – BPP University
  • Bar Training Course (Merit) – Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Executive Certificate in International Negotiation – Carleton University


  • Organisation of American States Graduate Scholarship
  • Government of Canada Graduate Students Exchange Programme


  • Called to the Bar October 2022
  • The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn


Kimari joined Crown Chambers as a Pupil Barrister in October 2023. Prior to pupillage, Kimari worked as a litigation paralegal for one year at Eversheds Sutherland International in Manchester where she managed her own case load and gained considerable experience in all aspects of litigation.

Before embarking on a career in law, Kimari served in the foreign service of Saint Lucia, including a diplomatic posting for six years in Washington, DC.  She has conducted an internship at the Centre of Trade Policy and Law in Ottawa and worked in Dubai in immigration investment.

Kimari is passionate about volunteering, having undertaken volunteer work in both Senegal and Dubai. She is also an advocate for equality, diversity and inclusion at the Bar.

Billy Torbett

Billy Torbett

Billy Torbett
Billy Torbett



  • Crime, Civil and Family Law Pupillage


  • 2022 – 2017 - MLAW (LLB, MA & BPTC), Northumbria University
  • 2021 – Accredited Mediator, The Society of Mediators


  • The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple


Billy joins Crown Chambers as a Pupil Barrister in October 2023. Prior to the commencement of pupillage, Billy spent one year working as a County Court Advocate at a leading advocacy firm representing clients in an array of matters across the North-Eastern Circuit. He has acquired and enhanced extensive legal skills including advocacy, conferencing, and case preparation for a wide range of hearings such as housing disputes, infant settlements, procedural hearings, and small claims trials.

Billy also worked for a leading personal injury solicitors’ firm in Manchester where he gained a broad knowledge of the law in respect of costs.

Aside from Billy’s legal experience, he strives to represent and help those in need. Billy volunteers for Help for Heroes and Victims First where he provides consistent support for victims of crime in the Thames Valley region.

Aside from Billy’s legal experience, he strives to represent and help those in need. Billy volunteers for Help for Heroes and Victims First where he provides consistent support for victims of crime in the Thames Valley region.

Katy Welford

Katy Welford

Katy Welford
Katy Welford



  • Crime
  • Family
  • Civil



  • Bar Practice Course (BPC) – The University ofLaw, Leeds
  • Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) – The University
    of Law, Leeds
  • Masters of Arts in Philosophy and Theology – The
    University of Edinburgh



  • The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
  • 2021 – 2022 – North Yorkshire Youth Justice
    Service – Appropriate Adult (volunteer)
    2018-2022 – North Yorkshire Youth Commission



Katy joined Crown Chambers as a Pupil Barrister

in January 2024.
Katy is a grade 1 level prosecutor. She has prosecuted and defended in several cases in the Magistrates Court. She has represented the National Probation Services and Crown Prosecution Services in the Crown Court.

Katy has developed a keen interest in family related work. She has represented both applicants and respondents in Domestic Abuse Injunctions and Private Family Law matters.

Katy has also completed a variety of legal experience exploring different fields. This includes her role as a Civil Liberties Paralegal at Hudgell Solicitors where she gained invaluable experience within the Post Office Horizon IT Scandal Team, which included drafting various legal documents for the Court of Appeal and preparing work for the Post Officer Horizon IT Inquiry.

Alongside Katy’s legal experience, she volunteered as an Appropriate Adult for the North Yorkshire Justice Service, and she was a member of the North Yorkshire Youth Commission presenting talks to local schools in North Yorkshire on various predominate matters including drugs and alcohol and domestic abuse.

Before completing the Bar Practice Course and Graduate Diploma in Law, Katy successfully achieved a Masters of Art in Philosophy and Theology at the University of Edinburgh.

Whilst Katy was born in Yorkshire, she grew up in Kenya, which is a part of her unique life she values deeply.