Private Law Update

Private Law Update

Private Family Case Law Update by Blaise Morris & Katy Welford   Re. HTD and HTE (Children) (Temporary Removal from jurisdiction) (Malaysiaand Hong Kong) [2023] EWFC 227 Removal to a non-Hague Convention Country and Go Fund Me page to fund legal proceedings....
Criminal Law Update

Criminal Law Update

CRIMINAL LAW UPDATE BY MAYA HANSON & BILLY TORBETT   Prison Overcrowding: A review of recent Court of Appeal cases The number of people currently held in prison in England and Wales is at a record high. As of Monday 18th March 2024, the prison population was...
Public Law Update

Public Law Update

Public Family Case Law Update by Maya Hanson & Blaise Morris N (Children: Revocation of Placement Orders) [2023] EWCA Civ 1352 The Court of Appeal gave valuable guidance as to the revocation of placement orders.  The Judgement was handed down by Peter Jackson LJ,...